NYHUT Decals Return Effective Oct. 1

on Thursday, 20 September 2012.

Recently the state of New York announced in addition to the per vehicle NYHUT registration fee each registered vehicle will now be required to display NYHUT decals at an additional cost. Previously registered vehicles were not required to display NYHUT decals.

NYHUT registrations and renewals run in a 3 year cycle that is not dependant of when you registered for the NYHUT. Anyone who registered for a 20th series NYHUT needs to be aware it will expire on Dec. 31, 2012. New York will not allow you to renew the NYHUT if you have any delinquent tax returns for NYHUT or IFTA. Please renew your registration as soon as possible to ensure that your new decal arrives in time.

Logistec/TTS offers NYHUT registrations and renewals, please contact us if we can be of assistance.


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"Total Transportation Solutions"